So this week is the Week before transfers, everyone is just freaking out because... well we don't know how the president functions, so pray for me, and pray for my investigators hahah, This week has been flying everyone thinks I'm leaving since I've been here for so much time, and so lots of members have been feeding us goood. POR FIN (FINALLY) I've been working out alot in the morning trying to get healthy and I think I'm finally starting to get more or less healthy.
Its so weird to me to think about the things at home, like to just have time to play golf or to go out to eat and eat costa vida.... Its so foreign to me now, like it just doesn't seem like its possible. Its weird to think that I'm on the countdown to home, I try not to think about it. It makes me homesick, sometimes with all the changes in the mission and with my companion and just a little of everything, I put myself into a really homesick mood, which is unacceptable because I'm on the Lords time, but dang I miss my family. La comida de Mamá... no tanto ;) jaja
But this week I've just seen that the Lord has his plans for everyone. We have two investigators who I love and well one of them will be baptized but the other one told us no... She had been praying for weeks and fasting! Like wow that is rare to see someone with so much desire to know if what we are teaching is the truth, but I too was fasting and I received an answer that I didn't like, that the one would be baptized and the other no. I had no reason to think that because they both are going to church and doing everything. But then a few days later she told us she received a dream and didn't feel like it was the path... I could not understand how God would let something like this happen, and well I have been pretty down. She is still going to church though and for right now... I see a light of hope with her still. It's humbling to have to accept people's agency or sometimes the will of God.
But this week has been a good one none the less. Yesterday a family gave me Cow heart to eat... and it was a lot like the days of moms green bean casserole.... I was sneakily putting it into a napkin I had and I put it in my pocket, we left and we were in the street and like 5 dogs attacked me... But dang,,, cow heart. 1 star out of 5.
We also went to a giant cathedral and well... it built my testimony, it was huge and beautiful... but so dark and cold. I felt like that's how being with Satan would be. He is grand and strong and powerful, but in that presence of power there is no warmth or true desire to be with it. But it was a neat experience, its really well known here. and lets see I cant think of anything else... Oh a girl came up to me the other day in the bus and gave me a good kiss, she was young and pretty... I accidently pushed her kind of hard. It freaked me out. I am 10000% missionary I feel now :) I will be so socially weird after this mission its going to be awesome haha. Well I want you guys to know that I love you and that we should always hacer lo justo. Do the right.
Chau, love you!!
Elder Woods
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